Saturday, December 12, 2015

Happy (Healthy) Holidays!

We all know that 'tis the season to let your hair down, enjoy a mince pie (or five) and have onesie weekends, but don't we also all know that come January those pesky feelings of guilt will come sneaking in as we huff and puff trying to do one burpee?
Well stop right there, pals. I shall help you get through Christmas.

1. Enjoy natures' offerings

So many glorious veggies and fruits come into peak mode right now - helloooooo clementines, brussel sprouts, cabbage, celeriac, chestnuts, cranberries, kale, parsnips (my bae) and pumpkins! Bulk your Christmassy roast dinners/lunches with some plant based power! Not only will this help out your waistline but it'll also help your digestive system, skin, hair, nails, metabolism and it'll send the planet some well deserved love.

2. Make it a date!

*trying to think of a dried fruit related pun... nope, nothing*
Although I am one to have indulgences little and often (ahem, every single day I eat chocolate #werkit) it's quite nice to make those festive fancies a special occasion. On Friday after college, I have a soya gingerbread latte. On the weekend, I know I'll most likely eat some cake. I just think it's nice to know when you're gonna have your not-so-healthy-but-extremely-festive-treats. TREAT ALERT! TREAT ALERT! Using the words naughty with foods makes me a little bit twitchy. It makes food sound off limits and I don't know about you, but I'll just want more of it. So I like to think of my more indulgent foods as simply that - something I don't need everyday, but it's nice to have occasionally.

3. Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the gym is so delightful....

Going to classes at the gym, going on wintery runs or even having a yoga party at your house are all great ways of keeping fit and enjoying the seasons best asset: spending time with your loved ones! Or, you could take exercise as your 'me time' time. Christmas is a full on time of the year and maybe you're getting a bit bored of all the tidings and joy, so taking even just half an hour out of your day to zone out of 'TRA LA LA LA LA" to "OMMMM" can be a massive help on the old chestnut. 
Also, as we all know, exercise is pretty darn amazing on the body and the mind. You'll feel confident, hot-to-trot and very zen.

4. Give back

Christmas is a time for giving, so maybe make more of an effort to give to people in need. Think about what you're eating, where your shopping - not only does being conscious about others and the environment help everything out, but you will also get a lovely cosy, fluffy, warm feeling inside. It could be as small as buying a sandwich from Pret as they give money to the homeless, to signing a petition, to cutting down on your meat and dairy consumption, to making an effort to turn off all of your Christmas lights at night.

4. And relaaaaaaaaaaaax

Take some time out to watch Home Alone with a hot choc in your festive PJ's, or have a bath, do some meditation, just sit and do nothing. Take Christmas day completely off, and stuff your face silly. Keep calm, and jingle on.

Thank you very much for reading this, and if you have any tips of your own do leave them in a comment.
Enjoy this gorgeous festive season, spread love, kindness and joy like Christmas confetti!

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